If you have bought an item(s) but then decided it’s not suitable for you, you can cancel the order(s).
Just click on My Account, Find your Order Number under the Order History section and then select Contact Us button.
Please enter your order number and a brief explanation of the issue in the Contact Us form to request a return.
All cancellation requests must be made by 2:00 pm on the day of purchase, or the following day by 2:00 pm if the item was ordered after that time. You will receive an e-mail stating that your cancellation is in progress and a second e-mail confirming your refund. You should be able to see the funds back in your account within 5-10 business days.
While we endeavour to process all requests, not all cancellations are possible. If we receive the cancellation requests outside the cut off time, it means the item(s) has already been processed for dispatch or it is with our couriers on its way to you. It won’t be possible to make changes or cancellations at that point. Should your cancellation not be confirmed, you will receive an e-mail informing you of this.
Please note: Unwanted individual items cannot be cancelled if there are multiple items in one purchase. Cancellations apply to the entire order placed.